Alejandro DelosGatos. Alejandro, or Alex as we like to call him, is a counselor and has a special interest in the Fey.
Mel Mystery. Mel is an eclectic Hellenistic Druid with a little bit of Norse thrown in. He runs the Hampton Roads Pagan Resources website and the Q-matrix Hampton Roads LGBTQ Resources website. Mel hosts his own podcast "Discovering the Male Mysteries" aimed at gay and bi Pagan men. Mel recently published a book on LGBT werewolves in mythology and folklore titled "The Gay Guy's Guide to Werewolves and Other Man Beasts." Mel also dabbles in photography.
Nightshade. Nightshade is a local attorney. He regularly presents a workshop on "Pagans and the Law" at the Hampton Roads Autumn Moon Festival / Pagan Pride Day. Nightshade served a number of years as a board member for Paganet, a former Pagan newspaper.